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Travel has given me the most rewarding and challenging experiences. No matter what continent or how "developed" a country is, each place has given opportunities for personal growth and reflection- on myself, social/economic/political institutions, and the US. 


Spending time abroad has increased my language acquisition, tuned my critical thinking, and interpret the effects of modernity. 


Abroad experiences have allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, be independent (in new places and independent of internet access & other helpful resources), and adapt with different standards of living (toilets & water accessibility, and level of freedom). 

  • Ability to travel alone, learn foreign transportation

  • Planning and executing travel agendas

  • Observe and immerse into new cultures, while reflecting on mine and others' perceptions of the US

  • Spanish- Intermediate by Dickinson College

  • French - Elementary; 5 years in secondary school

  • Hindi - Elementary; intensive course in Jaipur


My longest time abroad was while studying in India for a semester and a month in Italy.


Other places I've traveled to include:

London, UK | Paris, France | Tokyo, Kyoto, Takayama, Japan | Amsterdam, The Netherlands


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